Hello & Blessed Be All! This the first of what I anticipate to be many new blogs discussing incoming waves, energy shifts, & seasonal/planetary consciousness elevations (as well as some deeper dives into Astrology)! Of course there will be more topics explored as well. I have been feeling called to write & get down to business discussing incoming waves & shifts for some time after a 1 year hiatus (more on that later). But what better time to get down to business than the September equinox? In spite of the rockiness of this last couple of weeks, the energy of September has been tremendous. And historically, September & October have always been two of my peak months energetically speaking.
The Equinox Wave Equinoxes are about balance, harmonization, & integration. When we pass through an equinox there is a dramatic adjustment in our experience brought on by the planet, Gaia, & her soul's highest expression to "pull up" what can be raised up with regards to the lower realities / timelines / creations that were running throughout her. Whenever there is a less gradual, more intense raising of the planet's vibration there can be a lot of shake ups & troubles to challenge the realities individuals & communities may have settled in to, especially if they had been out of alignment, artificially created or co-created, or anchored in a lower reality / timeline dismantled & dissolved. It's a mixed bag. It's liberating & clearing, it's rocky & unsettling, it's energizing & power leveling, & all the while "stirring up" whatever dense, dark, or unhealthy energies have been carried until any given reckoning or high energy influx. As we move into the equinox zenith (which has been building since early September & will "settle" as we get to mid October. Just in time for a Solar Eclipse jump!) there is a flush of brilliant new, purifying, clarifying, & enlivening energy that we haven't experienced so sweetly since June solstice of 2022. It almost feels like "getting back to it" after a break that has been described to me by my guidance as a "provisional delay" for humanity to individually & collectively respond to the more constant influxes of new waves that were increasing in intensity going back to September 2019. At this moment, that delay and all of its products / results are going through its reckoning. Keep in mind that reckonings happen quite frequently, so this is not intended to be a doomsaying diatribe or be misconstrued as such. A Reckoning is not an emotional or cultural process. It is a test of energy in both its frequency & its product. They occur when the vibrational "minimum compatible frequency" is raised up to a higher level & becomes the new "standard" until the next one. Such standards may be sustained for a month, a year, or however long. But it's been a long time since we've had one all things considered. And it has been felt. I don't know about you, but September has been beautiful & sorrowful, but still a welcome change from the "pit" of July & August. But this is all a part of it. It doesn't help that this build up to the equinox has been rattling a lot of hostile entities, belligerent thoughtforms, & belligerent energy forms (they're getting these blasts as well). Spiritual antagonism & parasitism both from those in bodies & those without was also quite intense. Especially this last few days. If any of this reflects in your experience, it's time to learn a lesson the "love & light" crowd is afraid to teach openly, not all soul are down for these raising frequencies (whether they are in bodies or incorporeal). Many lash out & get belligerent in desperate efforts to hold their ground, maintain their looping timelines, feed on life force, & contaminate in efforts to make this & the collective experience as unpleasant as possible. Whether it's a deterrent effort, a survival tactic, or sheer instability, it's a predictable reaction. Even more predictable is the "retry" at making this process something political. It's not. Be careful of parasitic people & antagonistic people derailing your growth by pulling you into a cultis of hyper fixated distraction, suspicion, & non-productivity. It'll just make you a demon doing their dirty work of spreading paranoid unstable caustic energy. No shitting in sacred waters, people! You may have noticed a lot of more intensely negative paranormal activity after the sun goes down, or that things seem to "jump" on you in public spaces & come home with you, perhaps associates you've always known to be vampiric, ill wishing, or "crushing" in their influence have been all the more intensely "stimulated" or "desperate", or maybe you are someone who works in a helping or spiritual profession & have noticed interference from parasitic attachments? A lot of that is getting brought to task during this reckoning. Remember, entire realities, timeline loops, & experiences are getting broken to pieces beyond recall, by higher frequency energies. When people talk about the Light, it must be remembered that while as much grace as can be allowed is of course brought to the table, depending on the circumstances it's not always going to be a walk in the park. This is especially true in situations where cultural creations, community creations, family creations, partnership creations, & of course lest we forget, paranormal / magickal creations, are concerned. Many of these things can be years old, decades old, lifetimes old. We even feel this in our own experience. Trapped energies & emotions, blocked corners of our psyche, hidden attachments, cords, & energy forms in our spaces & our fields react as well. No Fear, Just Discipline How these types of intense shifts feel can be seen as a barometer of what things are made of, what's holding them together, & their energetic / magickal quality. Again, it's not about judgement. It's an alchemical reaction. A natural occurrence. This is all a part of our evolution into being masterful spirits in form. We have to see. We have to learn. We have to grow. Now that's not to say the solution is apathy or indifference, absolutely not. We need to feel. But letting our feelings & emotions become the main character of reality, the prime priority of all our goings on, we fail. Personal challenges come up, be honest with your circumstances, look for the highest solutions, & proceed. Take it day by day & do your best to stay in synch with the pulse of the cosmos. And keep your energy clear & clean as best you can. It is crucial. The more clear, clean, & balanced your energy fields are the more clear your guidance, the sharper you spiritual / magickal abilities, & the more vibrationally welcoming you are to what you want to pull yourself towards. Easy Energy Clearing Habits To Integrate Whether You Are New Or Experienced - Cleanse yourself every day however you can. Take salt baths. Smudge (if smoke is okay for you and your home). Perform Weekly Limpia (egg cleansings) either silently or with prayer & ceremony (whatever is the flavor of your path). Take time out to take 10 minutes in the water, sun, rain, & wind. If you are skilled with pushing / pulling energy, you can move through your home with an unlit white, purple, or black candle and suck up all the negative energies (and use it on yourself & others too) into the candle & throw it away off your property (don't light it! and be sure to dispose of it where it will not go into another person's home. Public trash is best). - Clean your space physically & spiritually at least once a week in whatever way truly works for you when you do it. Small Bowls of Sea salt in the corners of the rooms of your home is an easy one. It's safe for pets & does not create smoke or noise concerns. They will continuously draw into themselves any hanging negative energies that would otherwise be lingering in your space. Change them out with fresh salt every month. - Break up your routine if you start to feel trapped in density. Density creates & recreates looping realities. Take alternative routes to work & shopping. Spend time with friends & loved ones that synch well with you energetically that you could make more time for. Change your office hours here & there (if you can). Rearrange the layout of a room or space in your home (or the whole house). Change up your wardrobe. Distance yourself from the "stuck" as best you can. While seemingly small, this does send your higher self & guidance the opportunities to help bring new shifts into your life that otherwise could not have come to you the way you had your life energetically set before. - If you have been getting "called" to retry something, make sure you evaluate it objectively. Is it something that is a part of the "old" that is going trying to cling? Or is it something that you have yet to fully integrate that brought you greater strength, clarity, & assisted you on your path that could be brought back online? How do you bring it back differently this time? - If life shifts, opportunities, or challenges that stir you come up such as emergencies, health concerns, relationship changes, career alterations, living arrangement considerations, make sure to give yourself the freedom to feel what you feel about them honestly. Suppression & Repression are Self-Oppression but also pay attention to your options & what is REALLY at stake. If your pet gets sick, take care of your pet. Don't look for the "lesson" & detach in apathy, but don't overwhelm yourself either. Maybe the "lesson" is "You can do this and have your pet. You just haven't found the way yet". Maybe you want to change jobs, okay, start looking before you ask "should I"? When we give ourselves options, we give our guides options. Options Options Options. - Perhaps there are transitions, things that are truly over. A relationship is over or has ended. Or a family member has crossed the ever thinning leaf-thin veil. Or a living arrangement is no longer sustainable & it's time to get serious about moving forward. Feel what you feel honestly & in a balanced way, keep your world big & open, & get down to business with what needs to be done in the highest interest of all concerned. You can do both sincerely without betraying either experience or yourself. The Commencement Of A Greater Shift While uncomfortable, September has been one of the most important months of the year as it is about a grand rebirthing, reawakening, & reintegration. This will be more grounded & stabilized once we move into October & away from the remnants of the worst of July & August energies & their effects. In the beginning of this article I mentioned a "provisional delay" regarding the slow down in energy spikes & consciousness raising that occurred around this time last year. Well the delay is over. And it's time to get a move on with what's been constantly getting the energy boost since before 2012. Prepare for things to get trippy. Going Into October, November, & December Without A Map & Timeline Reconciliation Looking ahead at October, November, & December... I see nothing. It's not the first time I've had this experience when bending my sight down the corridor. It just means that whatever is there has not been revealed to me (nor any other seer I've discussed this with). Granted there are eclipses, & outer planets that have been retrograde for months turning direct, but those are "moments" in this corridor, & not complete assessments of the corridor itself. This "not seeing anything" for seers is often for good reason overall: it's best not to have unnecessary spirals, timelines, & constructs hurled into the personal / collective experience that would just make the transition period more difficult for everybody. I see a bright January though. Which is interesting because personally / historically January had been one of my "low" months ever since childhood, with February & March being another high peak like September & October. This coming January I feel nothing but calm, rich, uncomplicated energy for everyone: A complete settlement of at least 4 timelines that have been running for each of us collectively & personally (rooted in 1993, 2004/2005, 2008, & 2011). These settlements can be unsettling because there may not be an understanding of another life known or any other reality that one could have lived. As we go through October, November, & December, that will be revealed. But one thing that was made clear, is that we have another timeline reconciliation incoming. "Gap in Sight" periods like this can often present life direction changing events for everybody that propel them into that bright, sunny period to follow. This is all a part of timeline reconciliation & breaking us out of realities that have no where else to go. These periods can be a bit unnerving, even to those who aren't the most "sensitive". Even now it feels like the floor is about to drop out from underneath. It's very bizarre. It's so strong it doesn't matter what level a person is at. Everyone seems to be getting the wave. This is not something to be afraid of, by the way. A lot of stories & chapters are coming to an end, and that does bring up a lot of fear in the energetic atmosphere, don't add to it or amplify it. How this is experienced by you versus me versus your neighbor versus your co-worker etc. is going to be unique. Each individual / soul group's experience is going to be just that, individual & soul group. What I am assured however is that this the end of a chapter of shadows, a period where there will also be a great purge of some of the darkest, densest, most toxic energies & their sources from our collective experience. When I say things are going to get trippy, I mean it. Veils naturally thin during this period, but this will be something else. For over a decade I have been getting messages from my guides "there will soon come a time where seeing energy, spirits, & auras with the naked eye is natural & commonplace", and while that has become more and more prevalent in our experience, this feels like another "jump" in "making it real" for people. Remember timeline reconciliation, by its own meaning, means we're catching up to where we "could" & "should" have been at this point in our process of evolving our consciousness & re-integration into the world of the spiritual & magickal. So this would naturally be a part of that experience & expected. For those of you curious as to other experiences of timeline reconciliation, here's a list of the more common strong experiences you might have if you or your soul group are going through this at any time: - Memories of a life / this life one didn't live spawning in one's mind. Recollecting how / where you may have met someone, lived somewhere, or carried on in that life. - Attracting & Being attracted to people that were "meant" to be earlier met on that path as well as reconnections & re-engagements with those you were always "meant" to know but lost touch with - Detachment / forgetting of influential people from the departing timelines & never being able to find them again - Revelations of self that demand to be accepted, expressed, & lived that were either repressed or misunderstood & the attracting & being attracted to circumstances to push it so. This can be "mundane" such as tastes, attractions, lifestyle, spiritual skills & abilities turning on, divine support & guidance clarity - Radical pushes & pulls to & from different places that call you "home", whether to visit or to relocate to more permanently - Revelations & psychic unfoldment of information regarding the entire narrative, karmic experience, or creation of an old life experience from a cosmic "top down" perspective This is how we walk from September riding the Equinox Wave into October! Really excited to be writing again, & would love to offer a space to like-hearted souls who are in this as well. See you all again soon! For more spiritual content check out these Youtube channels (which might be how you found this blog in the first place!) Son of Selene - Astrology , Horoscopes, Monthly & Weekly Forecasts, & Tarot https://www.youtube.com/@SonofSelene Integrative Mysticism - Spiritual & Magickal Teachings, Paranormal / Supernatural Topics, & Exploring the Realms of the Soul & Consciousness https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCStjmw7RM9qr6jpdcCJFNTg Until Next Time! Blessed Be! ~Nico (SonofSelene)
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