- Spell Service - Energy Clearing, Block / Hex / Curse / Jinx Removal, & Warding
Spell Service - Energy Clearing, Block / Hex / Curse / Jinx Removal, & Warding
Distance Energy Clearing, Cord Cutting Block, Hex / Jinx / Curse Removal & Warding Spell Service By Nico, Son of Selene
This work is specifically dedicated to eliminate the cause, core, & effect of negative forces influencing one's life, space, or whatever circumstance they wish to concentrate it on.
That means it will likely reveal & remove at the same time. Purification can have profound effects but it can still occur in a way that can catch one by surprise. The more powerful the influence of what is being removed, the more conditions around the situation are likely to change.
How Do I Know If I Am Dealing With A Crossed Condition / Hex / Curse / Jinx?
These kinds of spiritual challenges can come up in many different ways. Sometimes they are indeed an attack or energetic injury inflicted by someone (consciously or unconsciously). However they can also develop over time, either with an individual or connection (family, relationship, community, business etc.) or be develop due to environmental conditions non-specific to any person or persons. Their effects can vary but here are the most common manifestations of a Crossed Condition / Hex / Curse / Jinx:
- Stalls, Delays, or Degradation of a situation despite all efforts to fix them whether trying either mundane & even basic maintenance spiritual cleansing work (such as salt baths, smudging with smoke, sound etc.) when there is no real explanation for why it has come about (Such as being "trapped" in a dead end situation that only seems to get worse despite efforts & with no real practical, relational, or situational reason)
- Promising work, projects, business, connections, or relationships suddenly declining or failing out of nowhere for no practical or circumstantial reason
- Feeling like there is something constantly weighing you down, draining your energy, binding or attaching you to another person or the past.
- Lostness, lack of clarity or coherence of thought, acutely feeling controlled, compelled, or "steered" by a will that is not your own when there are no psychological / psychiatric / physiological reasons for such
- Streaks of misfortune, upsets, derailments, & bad luck that come on suddenly & don't go away or they only go away for short periods
- Efforts to find, attain, or commit to new opportunities, people, jobs, money, moves, and so on produce nothing despite common sense due diligence
- Helpful, opportune, or otherwise beneficial circumstances are blocked from either A) coming to you or B) lasting for longer than a short period before being turned on their heads, disrupted, dissolved, or sabotaged (ie: help / support / allies are repelled from you)
Ceremony is performed Saturdays & Sundays (appropriate corresponding times & to allow for supply gathering).
I will also be doing a reading on the situation so that I can understand the nature of the situation & what to adjust with regards to supplies & approach, which I will disclose in an email following up before the work. If the reading does not support this work as a course of action. I will inform you and give you a refund (note: this is the only circumstance where I will give refunds for this service).
Supplies I Supply:
Ritual Candles, Herbs , Oils, & Crystals (as I will be performing this myself at home)
What will be needed of you:
The name / names of whom this is to be performed for along with their date of birth (space will be provided when you order)
An image of yourself, the individual you wish this work to be performed on behalf (with indication of who is who if there are multiple individual in the image).
The area of life this is to address (ie: Family, Finances, Relationships, etc. or if desired, you can specify "General" so that it can go where it must without concentration)
Once the work is complete, I will send along images of the work from the service once it is done.
(Keep in mind I will NOT be video recording the ceremony as I strictly prohibit recordings of works of this nature)
How long do results take to show & how do I know it's working? :
Typically results should be noticeable in less than two weeks
Whether you or the subject of the work you wish to be performed on, there will be a change in not only your energy but how your environment will be interacting with it and you. This spell's candle & setup will be working for an entire week following the ritual in order for the new energy to "set". Pay attention to how things shift and respond in your own spirit, energy fields, & your environment as you get out and go about your life.
Depending on whether or not you are focusing this work on one area of your life or all around, there will be different shifts to consider.
- Your energy fields may feel a great "relief" in areas where it was particularly suffering under the influences being removed. Luck turns around. Locked situations open up. Stagnant or oppressive conditions clear. Mistakes, Traps, & Illusions get revealed & reversed.
- Connections / Relationships that may have been compromised, depleted, or otherwise suffered under these circumstances get sorted out
- New friends, connections, relationships, resources, money, & opportunities manifest as well as room is made for them.
- Work flows & general prosperity & growth improve & get corrected.
- Circumstances that were once marred or stalled may either clear up or get replaced with superior ones.
- Engagements with others & hidden opportunities become more complimentary & available to you.
- Paces may correct, such as situations that were too slow speed up, too fast slow down.
- New balance. Puzzles, Mysteries, & Conundrums may get solved / resolved or at least have their answers revealed.
- You may notice more hostile, antagonistic, or otherwise adversarial influences in your life back off and start to be replaced. You may also notice changes in how circumstances flow around you as blocks, grooves, & patterns get challenged, undone, & new courses replace them as well.
- What has been helpful, healthy, & a blessing is lifted up by this work while it makes room for more, but it also has to make that room & that's where the clearing does its work.
Not often, but sometimes, reactivity in others or shake ups can occur. If it happens, it is because the ceremony's work is either directly counteracting or "challenging" a primary source or contributor to the circumstances that must be cleared. Eliminating the causes, cores, & effects of what is behind a curse, crossed conditions, a hex, or block of any kind can sometimes stir some pots! I call this "slamming the door on the way out". That is why warding & protection is included as part of the work.
Is it possible things revert / go back to the way they were before this ceremony was performed?
This kind of clearing will wipe out the spiritual influences that have been at work, but if the conditions that precipitated or maintained the circumstances you wish to eliminate remain as they were, are invited to return, or are resumed to by you, it is possible that once the spell has concluded, things go back to the way they were more or less. Sometimes removing a destructive influence means changing the conditions around that situation and that they must be allowed to change.
Is there anything I can do prior to the Saturday / Sunday when this will be performed?
If you wish to contribute to the work, I suggest making sure your energies are clear & receptive. A simple 20 minute sea salt bath will help you to remove any excess from your fields to assist with taking on the energy of the ceremony. If you have another preferred general maintenance cleansing procedure (such as smudging or sound) you enjoy, feel free.
While not required, there are a few more things I would recommend if possible:
Do not consume any alcohol the day before, day of, or day after this working (so pretty much no alcohol starting Friday before the weekend through the Monday following). Alcohol (even when enjoyed responsibly) can create distortions & exploitable compromises in our energy fields. Best to save the boozy outing for different weekend.
Abstain from sexual activity starting the Friday before the weekend through the Monday following. Intimate exchanges of energy with others can link your fields & while it will not hurt the spell, it may compete with your energies taking on the work as intended (delays, diminished impact, or you may simply "hand off" some of that energy to your partner, which while nice, takes a portion from work meant for you).
Is there anything I need to know about what I should do or keep in mind for after the work is done?
Each circumstance is different. That will be discussed in the follow up email when I discuss the reading & send you proof of your ritual being cast.
Guidelines & Boundaries:
This is NOT work to be used or engaged as a substitute for physical or psychiatric health care of any kind. If this is an emergency situation or you are in crisis, please do not order any services here. This is not a medical practice nor should it be consulted as such to diagnose, treat, or prevent any such issues.
Seek situation appropriate, immediate assistance services instead.
Furthermore, this is not a miracle service nor is it promising a complete overhaul of every circumstance ever to occur in one's lifetime in any way. This is a spell, a spiritual service not unlike bringing in assistance for a task that one wishes to undertake. You still have a life & a journey to live & work in.
Services are performed only for individuals ages 18 & over.
By Purchasing any service from Integrative Mysticism, the client acknowledges and accepts full responsibility for free will choices made & actions taken or not taken in response to the information presented in any service regarding outcomes, advice, cautions, & suggestions.
Nico, Son of Selene, Integrative Mysticism, & All Affiliates reserve the right to refuse accesses to services , energy, & engagement to anyone.